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We provide EMF protection products that will protect you and your family from harmful electromagnetic radiation fields such as wifi, smart meters, computers, mobile phones, and power lines. To know more about us visit here: https://emfhealthangel.com

Steps to Reduce EMF Radiation Pollution

EMF pollution is very harmful to our environment. Try to reduce EMF radiation; it is one of the essential things that you can do to protect your family and yourself. Today, most of the people experience harmful health effects of Electromagnetic radiation. Here are providing some necessary steps that you should follow for EMF protection.

1.)  Use wired instead of wireless devices. It includes:

  • Cordless “DECT” phones
  • Wi-Fi router.
  • Internet for Laptop and PC – use an Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi
  • Avoid wireless baby monitors.
  • 2.)  Use your cell phone safely:

    • Put your phone on “Airplane” mode when you do not need it, you can do it at night.
    • Never keep your mobile phone near to your head.
    • Use Air-Tube Headset or speakerphone for voice calls.
    • Avoid putting a mobile phone in your pocket if it is not on “Airplane” mode.
    • Do not give a cell phone to your children if they are under 16.
    • Avoid using a mobile in a car – EMF radiation level is increased.
    • Do text messages instead of calls. Use it for emergency calls.
    • Use a landline when you reach your home.


  • 3.)  Use your laptop and PC wisely:

    • As I mentioned it earlier, for internet use a wired Ethernet connection.
    • Avoid using a laptop when it is plugged-in or charging. It is better to use when it is on battery power.
    • Use a wired mouse and external to reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation on your body.
    • Do not put a laptop on your lap. You can use a radiation shield between your body and the laptop.
    • Take frequent breaks in your garden as often as possible.
    • Utilize wireless iPads.
    1. Make a sleep sanctuary – One of the essential steps you can do to reduce EMF radiation while you sleep:
    • Unplug electrical things that are not in use in your room at night.
    • Keep wireless devices such as Pads, cell phones, and other electronics items out of your room. You can use a battery powered alarm.
    • Make sure you have removed all the wireless devices from your home.
    • You can use bed canopy to sleep; it blocks radiation from the wireless devices.
    • Consider an EMF professional that will help you make a sleep sanctuary.
    1. Buy EMF protection products:
    • You can buy EMF protection products to reduce the effects of EMF radiation such as bed canopy, radiation shield, and Sensitiv Imago Angel.
    • 6.)  Measure the Electromagnetic radiation in your home. You can use the Cornet ED88T meter for it.


    • 7.)  Start exploring awareness at your neighborhood, and friends. There are chances that much of the EMF radiation pollution is coming from your area. Gently start to show the EMF pollution with your EMF detectors and share the health effects and solutions of it. You can make a community that is aware of and make efforts to reduce EMF pollution.


    • Good luck and thank you!

Source: http://emfhealthangel.com

Effects of Harmful Electromagnetic Waves and Tips for Protection from it.

The objects that are electrically charged produce electromagnetic fields. EMFs waves are photons that travel at the speed of light. Every electronic device such as mobile phones, mobile towers, and power lines produce harmful electromagnetic waves that impact on human, animals, and plants.  EMF radiation doesn’t cause immediate damage but interacts with human bodies that lead to indirect damage.


Some of the devastating effects of harmful EMF radiation are: it reduces melatonin, create stress proteins, EMF exposure cause inflammatory responses and allergies, change electrical activity of the brain, changes the brain tissues, and leads to electrophysiological disruption of the nervous system.



Sources of harmful EMF radiation are:

The sources of EMF radiation that impact on your health are Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, computers, Cell towers, Electrical appliances and grids, smart meters and power lines.


Tips to protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic radiation

  • When you are speaking on a cell phone, try to put it on speaker mode by this way phone will not touch your head.
  • When you reach your home, avoid your wireless cell phone and try to use a wired landline.
  • If you are using a wireless router at your home, keep it out of the bedroom.
  • Switch off your cell phone when it is not in use.
  • Do not use your phone when you are getting low signals because poor signal quality emits more harmful electromagnetic waves.
  • Do not use your phone in cars, trains, or elevators because cell phones emit more EMF radiation in closed metal spaces.
  • Try to text instead of calls.
  • Use Ethernet cord to connect with the internet whenever it is possible.


Buy EMF protection products.

The most appropriate way to protect yourself from harmful EMF waves is to buy EMF protection products that inhibit the harmful effects of radiation in the body. These products have the ability to consume the EMF and reduce the strength of radiation. EMF protection devices decrease the health hazards caused by EMF exposure. Radiation protection products are changing lives, and people are experiencing a good result of these products. These devices help to restore health and vitality. Buy EMF protection products to safeguard your loving ones from the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

5 Habits to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

Do you know that the electric and magnetic field can arise naturally from our body? Yes, this is true because the electric or magnetic field is a very significant section of our world and it is impossible to live in this world without these Electromagnetic fields. Our present era is known as the technological era and numerous devices are invented till date and some devices are still in progress. As these devices are useful for us and make our life easier but they have some harmful side effects as well. These devices such as TV, Mobile, WI-FI, appliances either a small or a large produce a huge amount of harmful EMF radiations. Mobile used to produce cell phone radiation which is very harmful to a human being. In this article, I will draw your attention towards some important points through which you can protect yourself from cell phone radiation.


•  Always Try to Avoid the Physical Contact of Your Laptop or Cell Phone

If you are using a cell phone, laptop, computer, tablet or any other digital device then you have to avoid its physical contact. These devices produce a huge amount of Electromagnetic radiation which is very harmful to your body. Cell phone radiation and other digital device radiation are quite harmful and can cause skin cancer so; you should purchase an EMF protection product in the US which keeps you safe from these harmful radiations.


•  Purchase Cell Phone Radiation Protection Cover

While using a mobile phone for calling your family, friends or any other person you have to hold you’re mobile on your ear. It means that you absorb about 50% of harmful cell phone radiation just by holding your mobile phone. So, to avoid this you have to purchase a cell phone radiation protection cover and you can get this best EMF protection in the US.


• Avoid Technology and Spend Time in Nature

Yes, I think this the most important point you should remember that you should spend your time in nature with people. For this, you have to try to avoid technological equipment such as TV, phone, laptop and sit with your family or friends and spend time with them in nature such as a park or garden.


• Prefer to Text or Use Bluetooth, Speaker or Headphone

Whenever you are using your cell phone always try or prefer to text that person with whom you want to talk. But if it is possible through text then prefer to use Bluetooth, speaker or a headphone for calling instead of using a phone on your ear.


• Keep Away a Cell Phone from Your Children

Nowadays we observe that parents used to give their cell phone to their kids for playing games but you have to keep your cell phone away from children. Cell phone radiation is very harmful to your kids as well so you have to keep it away from them.


However, sometimes it is not possible to follow the above mention tips and if you are in such a situation then you should purchase EMF protection product in the US. These products keep us safe from harmful cell phone radiation and work like the cell phone radiation protection cover for us.